Why must our women suffer any more?
Dear Editor,When we fervently express the context of “Stop the violence against women” just who exactly are we pleading to? Is it these filthy scumbags who prey upon the vulnerable? Is it the same ones who continue in their inhumane acts as they disregard the suffering cries of families who beg for the return of their daughters, mothers, sister, aunts, and cousins?
It is in vain that we plea to savages to stop being savage, and, similarly, there is little to gain in pleading to these murderous rapists to disengage from their horrendous acts.
Far too often we have to line the streets with placards begging for the safety of our nations’ women; the ones who birth us and carry our children, the ones who love us as men and carry our names. We ask ourselves when will it stop, as daily more and more cases present themselves.
The time has far passed for this passive and venom-less narrative to be changed. A better approach needs to be taken to help women fight back and, with the help of the Government, private sector, general society, and the decent men that we have left, much more can be done to discontinue the suffering of women by the hands of men with bruised egos.
We should all play a part in the empowerment and the support of our women by enabling them the opportunity of safer environments and better capabilities to protect themselves. A safe environment not being limited to the physical security of their person, but also an environment in which the Government imposes severe penalties for acts of grievous sexual assault, rape, marital rape, forceable abduction, amongst other sexual offences. A safe environment that does not categorise its sex offenders’ registry as secret or confidential, but makes the information accessible to the public, which not only allows for women to be more cautious about with whom they and their children interact, but also acts as some level of deterrent for would-be criminals. A safe environment is one in which our society does not justify acts of rape or violence against women with foolish reasoning, such as a woman being too receptive of gifts or favours, foolish reasoning such as a woman dressing too sexily, foolish reasoning such as a woman is too pleasant in always saying hello, or not pleasant enough to say hello, of which in either case she still finds herself being unable to walk in peace, as she continues to be forced upon.
It is imperative that women be aided with all the necessary tools available to protect themselves, whether with lethal or non-lethal implements/tools.
All sectors should find it fit to provide basic self-defence training for their staff and equally for the members of their household. This is a service that can be easily facilitated for private sector companies. Even if it does not make anyone a professional fighter, the bare minimum of being provided with the confidence to run, scream, kick, or hit just may be that deciding factor between who escapes and who gets taken.
To the men of good character who remain, those of us who truly cherish and appreciate our women, the fight is our fight. Let us not turn a blind eye or keep a closed mouth towards their suffering.
Sheldon Gray