Fixing social issues more important than crime plan
Dear Editor,
I see more than frequent appeals by citizens and politicians alike for a comprehensive crime plan. People read the terrible news each day and desire someone to do something about it. The issue, however, is that any plan that addresses crime is merely treating a symptom.
Much like COVID-19, the medicines to treat the symptoms pale in importance to a potential vaccine that can prevent.
Crime in Jamaica is the result of other factors that should be the focus. For example, it is an absolute fact that non-traditional families create and cause greater likelihood of crime.
It is repulsive that men can impregnate a woman in Jamaica and not be held responsible for financial obligation. Join the developed world and pass laws and enforcement such as garnished wages immediately. If men are held responsible, they will immediately change their ways.
It is a travesty how people drive on our roads, especially taxi drivers. We send our children off to school and not only are their lives in danger, but they see that the law is merely an obstacle to be overcome. Then when they ride with their parents or guardians, it isn’t much better. We must establish systems with zero tolerance for breaking the law; people must be fined or licences revoked.
These things won’t fix everything immediately, but they provide immediate benefit and long-term reduction in crime.
C Gibbs