‘Like lambs to the slaughter’: Transport operators ‘grieving’ after toll hike
KINGSTON, Jamaica— Transport Operator Development Sustainable Services (TODSS), which represents taxi and mini bus operators, says the recent toll increase is evidence that the Government is ”insensitive” to the plight of transport operators.
In a statement Monday, the association questioned the move.
”Why do we as a sector continue to suffer like this, why are we not recognised as an important staple in the sustainable growth and development of the country? Is it because we are the lowest denominator in the economy?”
”The sector is silently grieving at this time, the increase in toll fees has now allowed us to be a lamb to the slaughter,” the statement said.
”It is impossible for us to survive and the only thing we can do is to continue to urge the government to recognise the sector as a group in need of a bailout at this time as the toll yearly increase is like a millstone around the neck of the over 700 operators that use that space,” it continued.
The toll increases came into effect last weekend, with the east-west leg of Highway 2000 seeing an increase between $20 and $110.
According to TODSS, its operators, however, will not retaliate in response to the toll increase.
The organisation recently proposed an 80 per cent fare increase for its operators, noting that there has not been a fare increase in over 10 years.