J’can man to be sentenced on Friday for attempting to traffic cannabis to Barbados
KINGSTON, Jamaica — A Jamaican man is scheduled to be sentenced in Barbados on Friday after attempting to traffic cannabis into that country.
George Washington Williams, 52, pleaded guilty on Monday before the High Court in Barbados to engaging in acts preparatory for the purposes of trafficking in 48 kilogrammes of cannabis on December 20, 2018.
According to a report in Barbados Today, the prosecution and the defence both agreed that Williams should be given a “starting sentence of seven years” in prison for the offence based on various mitigating factors.
Among those factors, the Jamaican’s attorney, Simone Clarke, said, were the fact that his client was “remorseful”, “cooperated with the police”, and had no previous convictions in either Jamaica or Barbados.
For his part, Williams was quoted in the report as telling the judge, “I am really sorry that I commit this offence and I promise myself never to do anything like this as long as I live.”
The Jamaican has already spent a total of 968 days in police custody prior to his guilty plea, the report said.