‘Stronger Together’: Communications specialists collaborate to produce content focused on females
Communications specialists and public relations professionals, Stacy-Ann Smith and Michelle-Ann Letman have joined forces through a partnership with their businesses – DanRak Productions and PR Belle Media – to produce and share content online that is primarily focused on social issues, as well as curating programmes that address, in particular, issues affecting women and girls.
According to a press release, starting on Thursday, November 18, the duo will roll out its second project for Stronger Together – a three-part webinar series dubbed “Inform to Empower: Tackling Gender Based Violence, the Ongoing Pandemic”.
The series will happen over three consecutive Thursdays – November 18, 25 and December 2 at 8pm, and will be streamed via the Zoom platform. To participate is free and registration details can be found on the Instagram social media pages for DanRak Productions, PR Belle Media and the United States Embassy in Kingston at @danrakproductions, @prbellemedia and @usmebassyja respectively. Interested persons may also email danrakproductions@gmail.com for further details.
The ‘Inform to Empower’ webinar series is being supported by the Embassy of the United States in Kingston through the Public Affairs Section.
Smith in the release that she conceptualised ‘Stronger Together’ in the latter part of 2020, launching the first production under the brand in December with a webinar held under the theme – ‘Strengthening Relationships During a Pandemic’.
“Last year was a very difficult year for many, because for the first time in our lives we were experiencing something so completely foreign to us. Every aspect of our lives was being impacted, and I know in particular that many families were feeling the effects of the pandemic, and I felt it was important to have meaningful conversations about the challenges we are facing, and posit solutions from knowledgeable and expert stakeholders,” said Smith, CEO of DanRak Productions.
She added: “Stronger Together is a knowledge sharing and empowerment brand, that focuses on conversations and discussions with subject-matter experts that inform, engage, inspire and stimulate dialogue for meaningful change to the many social issues affecting women, girls and families. We want to ultimately provide a platform to share information, resources, and inspiration as well as to stimulate progressive and out-of-the-box thinking.”
Stronger Together co-founder Letman, who is CEO of PR Belle Media, said when Smith approached her to partner on the project, she was excited as it presented a great opportunity to combine her passions, skills and creativity to produce and curate content and projects that are meaningful and impactful.
“What I especially love about the Stronger Together brand is that our projects are focused on real-life issues and have a primary focus on issues that affect women, girls and the family,” Letman said.
The duo shared that given the ongoing pandemic, the Stronger Together initiatives have all been virtual so far, however they have plans to execute in-person projects next year.