I am disappointed in the JPS
Dear Editor,
I must express my disappointment in the Jamaica Public Service (JPS).
JPS, via their customer service representative, has insisted that they are unable to change my billing cycle, despite my stated inability to make payment at the end of this period (a billing cycle I inherited due to me being a rentor).
This is very unfortunate and unfair as it puts a customer who is willing to pay in a difficult spot financially, which will cause a major inconvenience for myself and my family, including my 10- month-old child.
Additionally, the insistence to increase the mandatory deposit every single time that a customer fails to pay on time is an unfair burden to those who are willing to pay but for whatever reason are unable to pay at a time convenient for the JPS or similar to that of the previous occupants of a rental property.
I cannot imagine a situation in which JPS would believe it to be a fair situation for an individual, who is unable to pay at a specific time but is awaiting his/her pay day to settle utilities and other obligations, to be capable of not only clearing a current liability but capable of taking on an additional liability by way of an increase in the deposit fee while also servicing the obligation of a reconnection fee.
This experience, I believe, just strengthens the belief in this country that to be poor is indeed a crime and those who are willing to pay their way rather than cheat their way are the ones who will always suffer undue burdens.
I hope JPS will reconsider and speedily remedy this situation.
Ashauni Granville