Focus on fixed election dates in 2022
Dear Editor,
We Jamaicans gave Prime Minister Andrew Holness a second term in office by a landslide. We gave him and his party a two-thirds majority and we expect the first post-Independence leader not to waste it.
I believe the prime minister should focus on issues that can get bipartisan support in the Upper House of Parliament (Senate) such as the recall of Members of Parliament, impeachment of senators, fixed election dates, and other bipartisan ideas. Bringing legislations on abortion, the final appellate court, removal of The Queen, and other issues which lack bipartisan support will fail in the Senate, hence a referendum should have the final say on these issues.
The year 2022 is the year when Prime Minister Andrew Holness needs to put runs on the board by introducing and passing far-reaching legislations, which should start with finally agreeing a set date for general and local government elections.
I believe we should have general and local government elections every four or five years, preferably four.
Since Independence, the months of February and December are tied for having the most general elections – both have four. So, clearly, both parties like these months. I believe December is the most practical one for Jamaica because a new Government will have time to create its own budget.
I understand, however, if the People’s National Party would prefer to have general elections in February because the Jamaica Labour Party’s annual conference is usually November, so no party would want to give the other any advantage, hence February could be a bipartisan month for a general election.
Having fixed election dates could result in high voter turnout as the business community, political parties, and the wider Jamaica could plan properly for elections.
I don’t believe the responsibility for setting election dates should be in the hands of one person, and I think some prime ministers might welcome letting go of the burden of having to call elections.
Teddylee Gray
Ocho Rios, St Ann