Time to disabuse Currie of his fanciful notions
Dear Editor,
It is full time that the Government of Jamaica conducts itself like the Government of a sovereign State and addresses the issue of the chief of Maroons in Accompong declaring that he is the head of a State within the State of Jamaica.
If the situation continues to fester there is going to be a confrontation between the security forces and the troops in Accompong, and it might turn out to be as bloody, if not more so, as in 2010 when an effort was made to separate an urban community in Jamaica from the rest of the country.
It is one thing for the leader of the Maroons to make fun by claiming that the Maroons occupy an area of Jamaica that does not fall under the jurisdiction of the rest of Jamaica. I believe that I can confidently say that no member of the security forces, who has dedicated himself or herself to serve Jamaica, is going to concede that there is an area of this country in which he cannot enforce the law.
Someone needs to take Colonel Richard Currie, sit him down, and tell him to stop this nonsense about being head of an independent State in Accompong. If he refuses to listen, the Government must immediately take steps to establish the jurisdiction and the authority of the State of Jamaica in the Maroon lands and to deal with anyone who dares to challenge the authority of the laws of Jamaica.
Do not let the situation fester into a situation worse that it is now.
No country, proud of its existence, will concede that it has lost part if its jurisdiction or will tolerate any severing of a part of its jurisdiction.
Let us get rid of this nonsense once and for all, and make it clear to all that the entire island is one country known as Jamaica and there is no part of this land that is outside of the authority of the laws of the country.
The Government owes it to its citizens to make it clear that Jamaica has not been fractioned.
Linton Gordon