Bring on the excitement!
Dear Editor,
If you study human beings, sooner or later you will notice that the last thing they want is to be bored.
Thus, if the economy is a boring topic, the best way to get around it is to destroy it, whether literally or figuratively.
If peace becomes too mundane and uninspiring, send the troops in — the war tanks, missiles, and helicopters. Wow!
Peace and love is not too much of an attractive subject in Jamaica either — gangs running around scaling walls and dodging bullets seems to be more exhilarating than any kind of ‘pathetic’ social and civilised interaction.
For that same reason traffic rules in Jamaica provide some of the greatest avenues of excitement. A red traffic light, for example, allows some of the most stimulating occasions for breathtaking violations over screeching tires. And, if that is not enough, the great highways furnish electrifying opportunities to floor the gas pedals while zigzagging between motorists without indicating.
It’s the razor-edged, blood-rushing moments that gain the upper hand. So, if alcohol ups the spirit, bring it on with the ganja as the senior player in the adrenaline worship.
The logic of excitement easily sees work as slavery and the general rules of conduct as a ‘down-presser’ tradition. Helter-skelter is the way to go.
Baby mommy wringing her hands without a baby pappy’s support — a suh di ting set, zeet? Man haffi multiply, king. Man come yah fi increase, zeen? Therefore, the get-rich-quick schemes, three-card men, and the dazzle will always take precendence over a stable and ‘boring’ pathway of sweat and toil. Men will always find it more attractive to bear fruits without roots or fly without wings.
I think I’m right. Forgive me if I’m boring.
Homer Sylvester
Mount Vernon, New York