With less than a week to go before the start of the Inter-secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA)/GraceKennedy Boys’ and Girls’ Athletics Championship at National Stadium, there are still tickets available for all five days, say organisers.
After only selling tickets through an online platform designed specifically for the April 5-9 event, patrons will be able to physically get tickets at Calabar High school starting today (Thursday, March 31) the Jamaica Observer was also told.
“Yes, tickets are still available,” said Keith Wellington, president of ISSA.
“We have also established a physical ticket office at Calabar where persons can go and purchase tickets using cash or debit cards,” he added.
Initially, only fully vaccinated patrons could access tickets from the online platform, but since the Government relaxed the Disaster Risk Management Act (DMRA) that restricted the numbers of persons in any one area as well as removed other COVID-19-related restrictions, the organsisers have sought to make tickets available otherwise.
A maximum of 20,000 fans will be allowed each day, ISSA had announced at the official launch.
— Paul Reid