The new Jamaica
Dear Editor,
I have seen that so many of us are concerned for one reason or the other about the future of what may be a Jamaican republic.
Now what I would like to say to our current leaders and people of influence is this: We must not make the same mistakes we did over the past 60 years of semi-Independence, because we are not really independent.
For us to truly become independent we must transition to a republic, which means there will be no influence from the British monarchy. We will have to, from now on, do our own thing, which must reflect the kind of independent republic we really want.
So I say to one and all, let’s start the process by starting to prepare the plan so that all Jamaicans will have a copy of it and we will have enough time for consultations across the 14 parishes, after which we will have the referendum and, based on the results, make our next move.
I would like to point out that, for us to have a true and prosperous republic, we cannot continue with the old system, we have to create brand new systems, starting with our constitution.
We must also ensure that, under the republic, Patois will be recognised as one of our official languages, thus giving our locals who speak Patois the right to communicate in a language they can understand.
We can no longer continue to carry on with the old colonial system, all Jamaicans must be counted, those at home and abroad. We must set up a new system that includes every Jamaican. No matter where in the world they are, they must now have a vote in their country’s elections. How the country is governed is a matter for all Jamaicans, no matter where they live.
We can no afford to maintain what we have now because it’s unacceptable. Instead, we must strive to become a beacon for the new set of republics that will emerge in the Caribbean.
Robert Clarke