BCIC clarifies insurance claim delay
Dear Claudienne,
In early October 2024 my car, a 2014 Honda City, was damaged. The following day l reported the matter to my insurance company, British Caribbean Insurance Company (BClC), and subsequently to my broker, Jamaica Co-operatives Insurance Agency Limited (JCIA).
For all the visits and calls made especially to JCIA, I have been told the company is awaiting paperwork from BClC, or that JCIA will call me back.
Up to yesterday, December 12, 2024, when l rang and asked for three different people, I was told l would be called back, but no one called me.
Please note that for all the years l have been dealing with BClC and JCIA this is the first time l am making a claim. All the paperwork has been done on my side, by my mechanic and an assessor from BClC. With all this done l cannot fathom the hold-up.
Thanking you for your assistance in this matter.
Dear MG,
When Tell Claudienne contacted the British Caribbean Insurance Company the column was informed that they had not yet received a report from the assessor.
“Our records indicate that we are awaiting the Assessor’s Report. Contact was made with the Assessor today, Monday December 16, 2024, and they advised that the report will be submitted by Wednesday. Once we receive the report, we will send the settlement offer to JCIA,” the BCIC email to Tell Claudienne stated.
The column notes that you have now received the BCIC settlement offer and we wish you all the best.
Have a problem with a store, utility, a company? Telephone 876-936-9436 or Cell/Whatsap # 876-484-1349 or write to: Tell Claudienne c/o Sunday Finance, Jamaica Observer, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5; or e-mail: edwardsc@jamaicaobserver.com. Please include a contact phone number.