Little Rushane needs your help
TIME is running out for seven-month-old Rushane Evans who needs surgery within the next five months for a congenital heart disease.
“The doctor has requested that we try to get it done by the time he’s one year old,” said his mother Irma De Brown. “He’s seven months old now and we’re trying to speed up the process. If we can get the money together by April, that would be very good.”
She has appealed to the public to assist in raising the US$40,000 (J$1.7 million) needed.
An account has been opened at the Sam Sharpe Square, Montego Bay branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia and De Brown said there has already been some level of support.
“Looking at the economy, the assistance has not been too bad. I’m really grateful for the help so far,” she said. “The Hart Group of Companies has donated $100,000, Caribbean Producers Ltd gave another $50,000 and there have been other small donations.”
The Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Industry has also thrown its support behind the venture. A memorandum was sent out to all its members, soliciting donations.
“The Chamber has received a copy of the medical certificate and letter of verification from his doctor (and) an account has been opened at the Bank of Nova Scotia (Sam Sharpe Square, Montego Bay) for this cause. The account number is 90571. It is against this backdrop that we hereby solicit your help, whether in cash or kind,” the memo said.
More information on how to help young Rushane may be obtained from chairman of the Rushane Evans Trust, Barbara Nelson, secretary Walter Heird or his mother.
They can be reached at:
Rushane Evans Trust Fund
Poinciana Gardens, Porto Bello
PO Box 31, Montego Bay
Phone: 952-7122, 952-6796 or 940-5703
Fax: 940-0473