No other athlete like Asafa
Dear Editor,
Almost every day I’m being bombarded and ambushed by ‘anti-AP’ people.
An ‘anti-AP’ person is a non-believer in the living legend that is Asafa Powell.
Not only is he a great man, but he is truly exceptional as he remains humble, despite his fame and fortune. For this, he has earned my utmost respect.
I regard myself as his number one fan, and even though he has not won an individual gold medal at the Olympics, I still believe in him 100 per cent.
I’ve seen him perform. I see his potential, and I know what he can do. Asafa is human, and like all human beings he has flaws. However, I still consider him a winner who has exceptional performances under his belt.
For crying out loud, this man has the most sub-10 second times over 100 metres in history!
I bear no ill will to other athletes, but I just don’t see any of them as great as my athlete. Sure, they may have some fast times, but I see them all as .22 calibre in comparison to Asafa who is a turbo-charged 50 calibre.
Asafa, as a die-hard fan I’m asking you to make us proud at this year’s Olympic Games. Sir, I’m asking you to surrender your fears, relax and run like you’ve never run before. Run at top speed, straight through the finish line.
Let me feel proud. Let me be able to stand up to everyone, stare them in the eyes and laugh them to scorn when you reap gold. Let Jamaica feel proud also. Let this medal be a gift to the nation for its 50th year of Independence.
A Kerr
Jericho, Hanover