TeenAGE Observer Expressions tour: Dinthill deluxe
THE second to last leg of the TeenAGE Observer Expressions tour took us to the Dinthill Technical High School where school support and team spirit was high , alongside a vibrant display of talent .
The concert was off to a smooth start with Zavier Cheverrin’s beautiful and calming original composition on the keyboard. A folk song written by Gleneice Smith who was also the lead singer, was performed by the Dinthill Technical High School Choir, backed by the school band and was well received. Vanessa Williams’ dramatic Good Over Evil was a thorough and entertaining piece.
Vanessa’s performnace was followed by Shawna-Lee Shedden, who had schoolmates cheering wildly before she launched into her comical dub Nah Bathe Tonight. Extremely engaging and well-executed, she gained full support from everyone present. Trivia question #1 earned Vanessa Williams a gift courtesy of Seprod. Asheka Muschett also won a gift for the second trivia question.
Next to appear on stage was Jahmaine Jackson — with his bevy of female backup singers — ably delivering his original reggae song, evoking a ‘feel good’ vibe from the listening audience. Resounding cheers reverberated throughout the auditorium when Military Warfare followed with their well co-ordinated dance piece to a slew of local hits. Raymond McPherson, a teacher at Dinthill, correctly answered the next trivia question. Can’t Speak was the title of Javonie Samuels’ dance, as he gracefully commanded the stage with a smooth exhibition of his evidently well-rehearsed piece.
A group comprising of Nyesha Nelson, Jada Smith, Shawna-Lee Shedden, and Lasonia Thompson creatively performed a dramatic speech entitled Rat. Deejay of the day was Chevaughn Purcell, who proved to the audience that he was every bit worthy of the support he gained. Dance group Swingin’ Engine entertained with an energetic folk dance that was in no way overshadowed by their colourful attire. Ranjay Jonas raced his schoolmate to the stage and won for the trivia question which followed.
Duo DJ Schoolas came immediately after and both students took turns demonstrating their lyrical prowess. SMJ took to the stage with a very creative speech entitled Bread, where they proclaimed their love of the household staple. Turning things up by many notches was Javonie Samuels and Rhadika McPherson who completely captured the audience with their dance to Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball. With excitement still very much in the air, Moya Drummonds was impressive in the impromptu dance challenge, and proved she was a deserving winner as she received unanimous votes from the audience.
Certainly wowing each and every female present was Dub Step, with their dance ensemble portraying creativity and raw talent. Five teachers were escorted on stage by students to partake in the Cool Fruit Drink Off. Ms Hinds emerged the winner and Jhoevanie Trail for the student’s Drink-Off. It was now time to announce the winners. Javonie Sammuels and Rhudika McPherson copped third position and Vanessa Williams took second place. Dub Step saw themselves gaining the favour of not only the audience but judges as well, as they took first place and will be moving on to the finals. Presentation of gifts to the respective winners took place following the announcement.