3 Di Hard WayFamily givesthe party theirendorsement.
January 16, 2018
After 12: Shizzle’s desires
Shizzle Spanglers threw down the challenge, and the ladies responded, turning out to his Naked Desires birthday party in outfits that had the men gawking on January 13 at Silva Sky Plaza on Orange Street in downtown Kingston. This time BOKEH, the photo house that specialises in parties, did the honours for After 12.
DJs Govament (left) and Rawmus tend tomusic duties.
Whatwould thisparty bewithoutChinnoProppa?
Coolie (left) and Showie decided to tease.
Promoter Shizzle pauses for a photo with Keisha.
From left: Lasonya, Rusheda, and Senatress
MeekaUpliftmentmakes a fashionstatement withthis futuristicoversized shieldvisor.
Prezz Man feels special withCamilia.
Shakera (left) and Shiqua
Shaky (left) hangs out withBitta Blood.
With the party flowingsmoothly, promoter Shizzle(left) takes time to check up onhis brethren Showie.
Can’t touch her is whatSwagga Rass seems to besaying about Latoya.
Tilly was among the night’sstandouts.