Kerrie Baylis (right), head of wealth management, Barita Investments Limited,title sponsor of the Taste of Tryall fund-raiser, presents the symbolic chequeof $1,350,000 to Manuela Goren of the Tryall Fund. The donation, which wasmade during the annual Taste of Tryall event held last Saturday in Hanover,will go towards education and health for children in the parish.(Photo: Aceion Cunningham)
January 22, 2020
PHOTO: For you, Tryall
Kerrie Baylis (right), head of wealth management, Barita Investments Limited,
title sponsor of the Taste of Tryall fund-raiser, presents the symbolic cheque
of $1,350,000 to Manuela Goren of the Tryall Fund. The donation, which was
made during the annual Taste of Tryall event held last Saturday in Hanover,
will go towards education and health for children in the parish.
(Photo: Aceion Cunningham).