March 3, 2024
16-y-o accused of stabbing 12-y-o relative
TRELAWNY, Jamaica – A 16-year-old girl was arrested and charged following the stabbing of her 12-year-old relative in Carey Park, Trelawny on Wednesday, February 14.
Reports from the Falmouth Police are that about 4:00 pm, both girls were at home when the accused allegedly used a ratchet knife to stab the complainant in the back.
Reports are that the girl fell, and the teenager subsequently stabbed her several times in the upper body before fleeing the scene.
The police were alerted, and the complainant was assisted to the hospital, where she was admitted.
The accused later turned herself in at the Duncans Police Station, where she was charged with wounding with intent.
Her court date is being finalised.