Weight loss with PCOS
Dear Donovan,We will answer your weight- related questionsAre you struggling to lose weight or just need some advice on living a healthier life? Tell us about your health issues and we’ll have nutritionist and wellness coach Donovan Grant answer them for you. Grant has over 12 years experience in the fitness industry and is the owner of DG’s Nutrition and Wellness Centre, Suite 16, 39 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5. Send your questions to wilsonn@jamaicaobserver.com.
I’m 22 years old and I have been struggling with irregular periods. When I was 15, I found out I had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). My problem is, I was 100 pounds at that time and now I’m 170 pounds and I need to lose weight to help me have regular periods. Can you help me with a special diet plan to lose the weight?
Sorry to hear about your challenges with PCOS, the hormonal disorder which causes a variety of symptoms in women. PCOS only affects about 10 per cent of women and is the most common cause of infertility and usually results in menstrual irregularities. Apart from heavy bleeding, other signs of PCOS are obesity or weight gain, elevated insulin levels and insulin resistance. Most women at some point have contended with weight gain, but for women with PCOS losing weight can be a constant struggle.
Don’t be daunted, however, because those with PCOS can both shed weight or control how severe the disorder is by making lifestyle changes. With PCOS, the body has more difficulty using insulin to convert sugar and starches into energy. This condition, commonly referred to as insulin resistance, causes sugar and insulin to build up in the blood stream. This high level of insulin increases the production of male hormones called androgen which is one of the things that can contribute to the weight gain. The weight is usually gained in the abdomen and creates an apple shape for women.
Extra fat in the abdomen is the most dangerous type of fat, because it is associated with increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health conditions. Losing weight will not only make you look better, but can also make you feel better. When you have PCOS, shedding just 10 per cent of your body weight can bring your period back to normal. Losing weight can help to reduce other symptoms of PCOS.
Here are some simple tips that can help you to lose weight:
1. Eat small and more frequent meals, which would allow you to keep your sugar levels constant, reduce sugar cravings and keep the metabolism in gear. Try using smaller plates so you can predetermine portion sizes.
2. Avoid artificial sweeteners, for example those in sodas. Certain artificial sweeteners have been found to slow down fat loss and may even contribute to weight gain.
3. Take a supplement with vitamin B complex or drink water with molasses once or twice per day. Vitamin B complex is very important in the metabolism of carbohydrates.
4. Do at least half hour to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercises daily, as this will cut calories and aid in weight loss.
For your weight loss programme, it is very important to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Try and cut your current carbohydrate intake by a half. Try and incorporate more fresh foods, vegetables and vegetable juices in your diet. Drinking a cup of green juice (cucumber, callaloo string beans) per day, for example, can work wonders. By eating healthy and exercising, you should be able to see some progress. Best of luck!