Our ability to care makes us truly Jamaican – ‘Butch’ Stewart
Jamaica Observer chairman Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart, in his annual Christmas message, said it was the ability to care and the willingness to lend a helping hand that “essentially make us truly Jamaican”. Following is the text of his message:
“Today, as we celebrate Christmas 2008, the true meaning of this special time is foremost in our minds. The festive season is a magical time of year when joy, goodwill and happiness take hold of our thoughts and lives.
Our care for those who are less fortunate and our willingness to extend a helping hand in whatever way we can are essentially what make us truly Jamaican. I wish nothing but the best for all of us.
The year we are leaving behind can only be described as historic, both on the global stage and at home, Jamaica: from momentous elections in the United States igniting hope-filled emotions across the globe, to what can be considered the worst economic setback that many of us have ever experienced. Its duration is so far unknown and every industry has already been or will be affected in some way, shape or form.
Nonetheless, today we collectively focus on what we want for our beloved country and for each other; peace, love, unity and the ability to provide for our children and future leaders in the way that our parents and mentors provided for us.
This time of year can also be a sad time, especially for those who are alone or have lost loved ones during the course of year. My deepest condolences to those in sorrow, and I say to you that the wonderful memories of those who have passed away will live on forever.
So, to all Jamaica, as we make merry with friends and family today, let us hold hands, and take the time to give thanks for everything that has been good in our lives this year.
May all of our organisations and the people who so dutifully contribute to their success strive for improvement and continued prosperity as we together generate strength for the coming year.
I wish for all a wonderful Christmas and may the New Year be a happy and prosperous one.
All that’s good!”
Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart OJ, CD, (Hon) LLD
Chairman, Sandals/ATL Group of Companies