Silence of the lambs: Has the Gov’t gone dumb?
Dear Editor,
I am a citizen of Jamaica who is interested in the progressive development of my country irrespective of which political party is in power, as their decisions will affect how I live.
Today I saw on news, journalists clamouring for the attention and responses of one of our ministers of Government like hungry fish being sparingly fed in a small pond. Getting information from this Government is like hoping for rain in the driest of deserts. When did we come to this?
I was mistaken to believe that our ministers were elected by the people to serve the people, including being transparent and forthcoming with critical information in a timely manner. The last Government was criticised for talking too much, this current one has taken its cue from its leader, that information should only be provided when there is no other option.
I have never heard my prime minister ever on any radio or TV interview just having a frank discussion about matters of development and our collective responsibility to putting this country on a path of sustainable growth. Am I the only one who considers this to be more than odd? There is hardly any word from the major ministries in the Government about what is happening in this country.
What is the policy from the finance minister on the devaluation of the Jamaican Dollar and its effects on our manufacturing industry? What is the plan from the security minister to curb the upheaval of violent crimes in the country? What is the plan of the Government for the development of the logistics hub at Goat Islands? Too many of these questions exist for so many ministry areas, and as a citizen of Jamaica I am saying that this state is unacceptable.
I consider myself to have a more than average interest in current affairs, so I listen to the news daily and read both major papers, so I’m sure it’s not a case of being out of touch with releases provided. I am not asking for all information to be divulged on all issues now, I am only asking that the key government officials, who are servants of the people, provide critical information to the public they were elected to serve in a clear and timely manner.
Garnnet Webber
Jamaica WI