Minister Lisa alone can’t do it
Dear Editor,
I read with interest your editorial of Thursday, October 30, 2014 regarding the celebration of Youth Month and the non-acceptance of failure from Minister Lisa Hanna.
While I agree somewhat with your charge to the minister, I believe it is totally unfair to lay it all at her feet,,,,,, largely. I was in Jamaica over the Heritage Week celebrations and, from my observation, I lay the blame squarely on the family and more so our men.
Going to two different churches in Falmouth on October 19, the absence of able-bodied men was glaring, young men almost non-existent. On Tuesday, October 21, I visited my old elementary school and was stunned at the attitude of a group of young men. Given the opportunity to address the class I saw in the boys’ eyes a hopeful look; “things can be different for me”.
Too many men in Jamaica abscond their fatherly and manly roles. It is way easier to hang together, socialising drinking, or playing dominoes. I am appealing to my Jamaican brothers to give at least an hour in a local school; you do not have to teach, just your presence and consistent attendance will make a difference. Get to know these young men, especially those who will come to rely on you and possibly seek your advice.
Finally, get back to the days when we were organised by men and women our present age through youth clubs. We were taught citizenship, community responsibility, and most importantly how to resolve differences with words not weapons. At the risk of bening called sexist, our women cannot teach boys how to be men. Arise, Jamaican men, from your selfishness and slumber, your country needs you.
Patrick A Beckford, OD
New Jersey, USA