Fix the roads!
Dear Editor,
There is a section of Constant Spring Road in the vicinity of Grant’s Pen Road by Tile City which has gone unrepaired for months and the silence from the works agency on the matter is deafening.
It is strange that such an important corridor in Kingston has remained in a state of disrepair for such a long period without any effort on the part of the political representatives to attain a remedy.
Recently, we saw on television where the section of Old Hope Road in the vicinity of Caledonia Avenue, which was unrepaired for a few days, was highlighted and it has now been repaired.
I am of the view that unless we block roads or bring the media to highlight issues, nothing will be done to address citizens’ concerns. Probably we should do something drastic and then the camera crew will come and the staff from the works agency and the political representatives and aspirants will all come and make their statements. We are, in fact, approaching the silly season of an election.
Sylvester E Anderson
Kingston 19