Thank you, pastors
Apostle Mervelyn Scott (centre) and Prophetess Jonice Frew (right) of the Signs and Wonders Deliverance Ministries International in Montego Bay, jointly accept a plaque from church member Ionie Jackson on Sunday during an appreciation service for the two pastors for their sterling contribution to the ministry. The church members say the pastors have been going the extra mile for their congregation, citing that they currently provide financial assistance for two members of the ministry to obtain their Bachelor’s Degree, while supporting children of members at the primary and high school levels. “These pastors are extremely supportive and make it their duty to intervene and make a positive contribution to the life of their members through prayer, encouragement, teaching and financial support. The widows and elderly receive frequent help, and sometimes an entire family benefits from the day’s offering,” said a member. (Photo: Alan Lewin)