The five Ps of Jamaica
Dear Editor,
It has become a cliché to express how beautiful the little island nestled in the Caribbean Sea renowned for reggae music and jerk pork called Jamaica is to look at.
In contrast, the island’s beauty is being eroded daily by its number one asset, its people. It is most unfortunate that the Jamaicans that are nasty, unruly and wicked (the minority) have got the island to the point that extreme security measures have to be employed to curb the illegal activities that have been giving JamRock an unfavourable rating on the global scene.
The roadways and gullies are littered with all forms of debris from candy wrappers and this goes up all the way to discarded furniture, which has contributed to many lives being lost and millions in infrastructure damage due to the flooding which results when it rains and drains are blocked yearly.
The offence of littering should be heavily penalised because the island sits within a hurricane track and has a hurricane season that spans for six months of the year. Jamaicans will go to great lengths to twist or break law and order by driving on the soft shoulder, crossing mere metres away from the crosswalk. These behaviours have greatly multiplied the mayhem experienced on the nation’s roads and cause some of the unfortunate eventualities to occur.
Unruly is not and should not be seen as a compliment, as it is an indictment on law and order. The gangsters that are hell-bent on burying the country six feet below are the reason for two areas being under enhanced security measures (state of emergency) and two zones of special operations.
The call is not only for the four ‘Ps’ — parents, pastors, politicians, and police to work making Jamaica a place of law and order, but also for you being the 5th ‘P’, the people, should take a stand opposing the minority, which are the gangsters in our communities. Jamaica can be great again.
Hezekan Bolton