Dinthill students get free tested glasses
THE Florida Chapter of the Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association recently made good on its promise to deliver tested glasses prescribed for students who attended its annual medical mission at the Linstead, St Catherine-based school in August.
The glasses were fitted and delivered to the students at no cost to them.
According to the alumni association, the Florida Chapter decided to add another layer to its annual medical mission after recognising that some students had difficulty seeing and reading, and were able to add a team of ophthalmologists to the mission.
“Several students were tested and identified with poor vision. The specifications for glasses were taken and they were able to choose their frames,” said Margaret Watt Walker, public relations chairperson and mission coordinator.
Watt Walker; members of the ophthalmologist team; registered nurse Noreen Smith; and technician for Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Fabiola Gaitan returned to Dinthill and delivered the glasses made specifically for each student.
“The glasses were very well-received by the students and their parents,” said Watt Walker. “Not only Dinthill students, but students from Enid Bennett High School (formerly Bog Walk High School) were overjoyed when they fitted their glasses. It was heart-warming to hear one young man shouting ‘I can see! I can see!’,” she said.
Watt Walker said that the boy admitted that he had difficulty seeing, but being aware that his parents couldn’t afford any additional expenses, he did not inform them of the challenges he was facing.
“The Florida Chapter of the Dinthill Technical High School continues to live and demonstrate the school’s motto ‘Facta Non Verba’ (Deeds not Words). We strive to make a difference in the lives of Dinthill students and others in the Linstead community,” said Watt Walker. She expressed her appreciation to the group of ophthalmologists, headed by Dr Sarah Grace, thanking them for partnering with the alumni association in making such a generous contribution of their time, money, and other resources. “Without their participation, we wouldn’t achieve this level of success,” she said.