Heroes Circle crab vendors get Wray & Nephew face-lift
KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) in partnership with J Wray and Nephew Limited, handed over several newly constructed stalls to crab vendors at Heroes Circle on Thursday.
Mayor of Kingston, Delroy Williams, expressed gratitude to J Wray and Nephew for the initiative and said he was looking forward to more collaboration with the beverage manufacturer in the future. He also said discussions were ongoing for a similar project in Harbour View.
In his remarks, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Desmond Mckenzie, said it was a “tremendous day” for the community of Fletchers Land and surrounding areas.
McKenzie said the project was long in coming, as far back as 20 years ago, and was the idea of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga.
– Llewellyn Wynter