Time to stop the assault
Dear Editor,
We know that wars are not new to the world because there have always been incursions, conflicts, killings, and massacres in many countries.
But this war in Ukraine, caused by Russia’s invasion, is sending a serious message to the world and threatens to escalate into a third world war. And, as I watch the terrible and bloody proceedings in Ukraine and listen to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) news, it has been said, over and over, that the people who started the war were not provoked.
Thousands of people, including women and children, have been killed in Ukraine; some have been tortured and raped as the inhumane brutality continues to be unleashed on the Ukrainians by a tyrannical nation.
But how can we stop this bloody war?
About two weeks ago a US spokesman called for the global arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who US President Joe Biden called a war criminal, and I second that suggestion.
Why is the world taking so long to arrest this man? Are they afraid of him, like the Israelites were afraid of Goliath? What has given this man so much power? Is there no David to take him on?
Meanwhile, the Russian army has killed, and continues to brutally murder many innocent people. Some have likened their actions to that of the Nazis in World War II.
Officials have taken note of those who have been mercilessly slaughtered in Ukraine, and have said that the Russians will be held accountable. I hope it will happen. We all need to pray that these atrocious acts will not go unpunished.
The good will always suffer with and for the bad as this war has significantly affected global food supply. And sanctions, which have been unleashed on Russia, have negatively impacted the world’s economy.
Across Russia, thousands of people who had voiced their disagreement with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have been detained.
The world or all the heads of governments should unite and stop this assault on babies, children, and innocent people.
Donald Mckoy