NWC continues to install new water eters islandwide
The National Water Commission (NWC), as part of its routine improvement operations, is continuing to install new solid-state water meters island-wide. This work is in fulfilment of its commitment to use available state-of-the-art water utility technology to always improve its efficiency and enhance the delivery of service to its valued customers.
The new meters are an essential part of the process of making the enterprise more efficient, reducing the levels of Non-Revenue Water (NRW), reducing the cause of disputes and disagreements as well as ensuring that the NWC is able to accurately measure and collect for all the water it supplies.
The new meters are rated among the best in the world and represent the most advanced water metering technology available. The new meters are approved by the Jamaica Bureau of Standards and other regulatory authorities.
While there are many benefits to the NWC for replacing the aged meters in the field with these best-in-class meters – such as longer useful life of up to 15 years and no moving parts and hence no need for maintenance – there are also several benefits to the customer as well. The new meters are easy to read with a digital display providing a range of continuous information including a feature that can be used as a leak detector. Because the new meters come with the capacity for remote reading, this will also eventually reduce the need for NWC meter readers to access customer property on a monthly basis as well as enable water usage to be observed in real-time and over a period rather than at fixed intervals.
Notwithstanding the NWC’s right to access any customer property to attend to its pipelines and appurtenances between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm by law, the NWC is urging customers to cooperate with its properly identified employees and contractors who visit to install the new water meters.