‘A gift of knowledge for Christmas’
Newly minted author and Jamaica Observer Founding Editor Desmond Allen (centre) presents copies of his book, Desmond Allen’s Greatest Hits: Wondrous Tales of Extraordinary Jamaicans to the newspaper’s Managing Director Dominic Beaubrun (right) and Executive Editor – Publications Vernon Davidson yesterday at the Observer offices, Beechwood Avenue, St Andrew. The book, described by Allen as “a gift of knowledge for Christmas”, features the life story of 20 outstanding Jamaicans and is dedicated to late Observer Chairman Gordon “Butch” Stewart (seen in background portrait). On its debut, the book published by BambusSparks hit #1 in category on the Amazon Best Seller list. It can be obtained on Amazon and locally at Urban Books and Publishers, 13 Dominica Avenue, New Kingston, or contact desmondallensgreatesthits@gmail.com. (Photo: Napthali Junior)