MoBay woman serves aboard Navy warship in San Diego
PETTY Officer 2nd Class Kamala Reid-Allen from Montego Bay serves the US Navy aboard USS Tripoli operating out of San Diego.
The skills and values needed to succeed in the Navy are similar to those she found growing up in Montego Bay, she said.
“Growing up, I learned that you have to keep going,” said Reid-Allen. “Don’t watch what others around you are doing. Move in silence if you need to. When you make it, when you reach your goal, help others below you.”
Reid-Allen joined the Navy five years ago. Today, she serves as a hospital corpsman.
“I was inspired to join the Navy by the benefits it offered,” said Reid-Allen. “The things that stood out were expedited citizenship, help with college fees, steady income, opportunities to travel and the opportunity to help create a better life for my family.”
Tripoli is an amphibious assault carrier that provides presence and power projection as an integral part of joint, interagency and multinational maritime expeditionary forces, supports marine air/ground task force requirements, from small-scale contingency operations to expeditionary strike group operations to forcible entry missions in major theatres of war.
“The sailors who make up team Tripoli really are the best the Navy has to offer,” said Captain Gary Harrington, commanding officer of Tripoli. “We say it all the time, our Navy is nothing without the men and women who serve on the deckplates each and every day. I truly believe that the continued success of our Navy, and Tripoli specifically, is due in no small part to the contributions of our sailors.”
With 90 per cent of global commerce travelling by sea and access to the Internet relying on the security of undersea fibre optic cables, Navy officials continue to emphasise that the prosperity of the United States is directly linked to recruiting and retaining talented people from across the rich fabric of America.
“We will earn and reinforce the trust and confidence of the American people every day,” said Admiral Lisa Franchetti, chief of naval operations. “Together we will deliver the Navy the nation needs.”
Reid-Allen has many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during military service.
“My proudest accomplishment is earning my degree,” said Reid-Allen. “I had to attend school part-time while working full-time. I’m also proud that I made rank because it meant I had to set myself apart from my peers. It speaks volumes about my character and shows representation for others like me.”
Reid-Allen serves a Navy that operates far forward, around the world and around the clock, promoting the nation’s prosperity and security.
“Serving in the Navy means creating a harmonistic lifestyle,” said Reid-Allen. “You have to make the best of what you’ve got, but do so wisely. The skills I learn here will forever be a part of me.”
Reid-Allen is grateful to others for helping make a Navy career possible.
“I would like to thank God for his grace and protection,” added Reid-Allen. “I also want to thank my family because, without their prayers, I’d be nothing. Lastly, I would like to thank all of the mentors I’ve had in my time in the military and all of my friends who have supported me during the hard and good times.”