Teens charged after cops find motor vehicle parts in St Andrew home
Two teenagers were charged after police stumbled upon several motor vehicle parts at a house at 83 Lane in St. Andrew on Tuesday.
The two, 18-year-old Kyle Scaffe from Cartina Close and Macarius Munroe, 19, a delivery man from Ricketts Crescent, both in Kingston 11, were held at the home with the vehicle parts.
Both men were charged with unlawful possession of property and are to appear in the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Court this week.
Reports are that around 2:45 pm, police were on an operation at 81 Lane in Kingston 11 when strange sounds were heard coming from the premises opposite.
The police went to investigate, and the accused men, on seeing the lawmen, reportedly attempted to flee the premises.
Several motor vehicle parts were found in one of the rooms. The parts included four white car doors, one right-hand fender and one white running board. The value of the items was not ascertained.
The men, the police said, could not give a satisfactory account as to how the vehicle parts came to be in the house and could not prove ownership of the items.
The parts were seized, and the men taken into police custody. They were subsequently charged.