Friends and exes
Being friends with an ex can be a tricky situation to navigate, as like the saying goes, “old fire stick easy fi ketch”. We asked women, would you allow your partner to tread those waters?
There is no way I would allow my man to be friends with his ex unless I am dead and gone. I think it is extremely disrespectful and too dangerous. I am not going to open myself up to that.
In my case I do not have a choice because he has three children with her so they have to have some sort of amicable relationship because of their children. But I made the rules be known to her because some babymothers can be very rude. So I let her know, for example, that it won’t sit right with me if she is calling at certain hours unless it is an emergency.
I am actually having a huge problem with my man because of this same issue. He used to be with this woman and they separated over four years ago and now they are the best of friends. I have expressed how uncomfortable I am about it and he told me that I have trust issues and he is not going to cut her off because of me not trusting him. I am honestly at the point where I want to end this charade by calling it quits on this relationship with him.
I don’t think men and women can be friends innocently, worst being friends with an ex. I would never permit my man to be friends with an ex – exes are supposed to be gone and gone forever.
I am friends with my ex and it is a clean friendship so I wouldn’t jail my man for being friends with his ex.