We must protect our nations
HAS anybody noticed how unelected bodies like the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the United Nations, World Bank and others are encroaching on the Legislative Agenda of some nations of the world? These organisations are able to determine what legislations are established, by tying their support, grants and loans to us, passing certain laws whether we the electorate know about them or not.
This is effectively transferring the power of the people, and those whom they elected, to unelected technocrats sitting in some offices somewhere in the world, and represents a means of control. In the case of Greece, George Papandreo, leader of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok) and the son and grandson of two former prime ministers, was pressured by an austerity- induced economic crisis to step down in favour of a Government of national unity, and replaced by the technocrat Lucas Papademos, former European Central Bank vice- president, in order to receive the EU financing deal.
Conditions are set, ensuring the reduction of the state’s sovereignty, and the promulgation of critical laws which aim to bypass the electorate and transfer powers to the technocrats running these unelected organisations.
All the countries which find themselves in desperation at this time, are subject to these conditions although our situation is made worse by our propensity for things foreign. However, the irony is that the fundamental underlying situations that have brought the world to its present condition were not created by us, with our little Third World economies, which when combined are not even greater than the profits of some multinationals. They were created by some of these same technocrats, who nobody elected, but are now deciding what changes we must make to our states and economies going forward.
Should we continue along this road, it will soon be unimportant who the elected Government is, because the state will be controlled and closely monitored by these organisations through their technocrats. We need proactive legislation to protect from further erosion the sovereignty of our states and nations.