Ask Coach…
Today we start a new column called Ask Coach. It is intended to help readers make the best of their exercise sessions and features advice from experienced gym instructor Kingsley Gordon who knows a thing or two about these issues, having been in the business since 1984. Feel free to send your questions to
MANY Jamaican women find it difficult to cut the excess ‘baggage’ around their mid-section. Despite their best efforts they still can’t shave those inches off their stomachs. Kingsley ‘Coach’ Gordon says women ought to be cognisant of a few things in this regard.
* Watch your intake of carbohydrates and starch
Watch your intake of carbohydrates and starch. When you go shopping you need to be aware of the amount of carbohydrates and starch in the food that you are eating. You need to limit yourself to one serving of carbohydrates and starch a day. And these include the sweet potato, yam, boil, bananas, and pumpkin. Be very careful of rice.
* Stay away from fast food
Try to eliminate bread, bun, dumplings, potato chips, cheese trix, and fast food. These will only add to your weight gain issues.
* Start your workout light
It is recommended that women with weight issues start off with cardiovascular exercises. These include swimming, cycling, spinning. These are high impact exercises and you do these before you move into the abdominal exercises. You can do the cardio exercises in your first week or two for half-an-hour to 45 minutes daily.
* Get crunching
After the first two weeks or so you can begin doing light abdominal exercises. These include clean and press, lateral pull-ups, and leg extensions. As you go on you can increase the intensity of the exercises.