ATL launches Ram Goat Run for the kids
THE ATL Group of Companies in association with The Jamaica Observer and Fyah 105 is launching the Ram Goat Run on Saturday, November 23, 2013.
The Ram Goat Run promises to be a fun day out that benefits kids in great need of medical attention.
The We Care Foundation is endeavouring to do its very best to help the kids’ wing of the Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay. The We Care Foundation will hand over all the proceeds of the Ram Goat Run to help the paediatric ward of the Cornwall Regional Hospital which requires much needed medical equipment.
Only last week the Transplant Links Community (TLC) of the UK, working with a team from the Cornwall Regional Hospital, performed three kidney transplants over three days.
Without much needed funds the Cornwall Regional Hospital would indeed be in dire straits. Children are the future and it is incumbent on all of us to ensure that future can be made as bright as possible.
Inspired by the Gumball Rally, the Ram Goat Run is a celebrity-filled, inter-parish road challenge seeing contestants driving from St Catherine to St Mary and back, fulfilling exciting challenges and finding the elusive but all-important RAM GOAT.
The public is invited to enter a car consisting of a team of not more than four persons. The entry fee, which is inclusive of all applicable registration fees, breakfast, lunch and entry to an exclusive after-party, will be J$15,000 per car. After-party tickets will be available at J$3000 inclusive of all drinks.
It must be stressed here that the Ram Goat Run is not a race. A valid driver’s licence will be required and the event will have a heavy police and security presence. Contestants are asked to adhere to sensible driving practices and take care on the road.
Sponsors will have the opportunity to showcase their brand, products and services in two unique locations; at the Caymanas Polo Club and at Buccaneer’s Jerk Centre.
Corporate Sponsors can opt for three levels of involvement; namely Gold Sponsor, Silver Sponsor and Bronze Sponsor.
Prizes include: The Ram Goat Run Trophy; a week’s stay at an overseas Sandals or Beaches Resort or Weekend stays and day passes at Sandals Resorts; free fuel for one year; LED/Smart TVs; tablets and smartphones; spa treatments; free vehicle GPS systems (and installation); tours from Island Routes Caribbean Adventures; ATL gift vouchers; and various sponsor prizes.