Tell us what jobs the ‘hub’ wil bring
Dear Editor,
Our political leaders must immediately identify the types of jobs that will be available for the construction and operation of that “logistics hub”.
It is not good enough to keep repeating that 2,000 jobs will be available in the construction phase and another 8,000 will be available in the operational phase without identifying the types of jobs. I would hazard a guess that the following areas would be prerequisite, namely: plumbers, electricians, welders, painters, drivers, masons, technicians, crane operators, etc.
Specify to Jamaicans now, so that they can use the next 18 months to be certified in their chosen field.
We should not hide this information and then allow foreigners to be imported and employed because we, Jamaicans, lack certification.
Also, farmers in that area, get ready, people will have to eat. Bar and restaurant operators, get ready to sell. Clubs operators, start planning, people will want to have fun on the weekends. Taxi and minibus owners, start planning; people will have to be moved to and from that “New City”. Gas station franchises, select your spots.
A housing scheme of some sort may be an advantage to a speculative business entity. The time to plan is now. Eighteen months is not a long time in the business world.
Of course, nothing will happen without money. Banks, building societies and credit unions should also map their position to service potential clients.
In all of the above, each individual must ensure his/her own economic financial survival for tomorrow.
Hugh Innis
Montego Bay