WANTED: A new breed of political representatives
Dear Editor,
I have listened to the voices coming from every area of our society saying get rid of ineffective teachers and civil servants, clean up the system, and many other issues.
Well, I am adding my voice to those calling and I am calling on the prime minister to get rid of ineffective MPs, councillors, etc, clean up the system and stop wasting taxpayers’ money.
There are too many suitcases on the political bandwagon. Jamaica now needs people with guts who are not afraid of taking and making the right decisions. People who are not afraid to work 24 hours a day to make the economy right. People who are visionaries and forward thinking. People who are not afraid to become less popular for the right reasons. People who care about people and are not selfish. People who are not in politics to see how much wealth they can gain in the five-year stint. People who are not afraid to meet and dialogue with the people. People who are downright honest. People who are seen in their constituency frequently, not only near to an election. People who, when elected, show no bias, but work for all no matter the person’s political persuasion.
Will those persons step forward and serve your country?
Faye Lyons
Spanish Town
St Catherine