Western profile: Five Questions for Sandra Burke
SANDRA Burke is a young entrepreneur in the rural community of Friendship in Trelawny.
Since last September, Burke, who is assisted by her fiancé, Alphanso Forde, has been operating the Triple ‘S’ Mini-Mart in Friendship, offering area residents a wide selection of grocery, hardware and haberdashery items.
Her motto is: “Aiming to serve you better.”
OBS WEST: Why did you decide to venture into this type of business?
SB: I am from this community and there was nothing much going on in the area in terms of a well -stocked grocery store, so I really wanted to give the community a lift.
OBS WEST: So far, are you satisfied with the support from area residents?
SB: It could be better, but I know that the business will take time to grow, so I am not complaining.
OBS WEST: What are some of the challenges that you are experiencing as a young entrepreneur?
SB: The biggest challenge is to get credit from suppliers. Many of them don’t really know me because my business is relatively new, so they are reluctant to extend credit.
OBS WEST: Are there any plans to expand the business?
SB: Yes. I would like to go into the wholesale business so as to be able to sell my goods cheaper to my customers.
OBS WEST: What is your advice to persons who are thinking of going into business of this nature?
SB: I would tell them to go ahead and live their dream. If it’s something that you have the passion for, then go ahead and do it. It is hard work, but serving the people in your community will really make you feel good.