Independent or a dependent mentality?
Dear Editor,
Jamaica now celebrates its 55th anniversary of Independence. In my view, Independence will always be a good thing, even if it did not bring full prosperity. Like marriage, it’s for better or worst.
I write to encourage Jamaica to take Independence to its logical conclusion. Presently, Jamaica and the entire Caribbean are still in mental or ideological dependence on their former colonial masters and their allies. If you look at the fact that The Queen of the United Kingdom is the head of state under the Jamaica Constitution we are still subjects under the British monarch. The governor general is appointed by The Queen and represents her (according to the Jamaica Constitution). The police has the symbol of the crown on their button. Those are only symbols that represent the Jamaican mindset. This fact is a result of the system that was adapted from the United Kingdom.
The present global economic system is at the disadvantage of the developing nations. Look at the fact that so many Caribbean countries have a huge debt and crime problem. Whenever Caribbean countries got independence it continued to use the colonial, legal and education system and thus created a pyramidal society with the majority poor and few extremely wealthy.
It’s time for Jamaica to create a just society. The crime rate is indicative of an unjust society because people have to go to the extreme of committing crime to prosper or even survive. I see capitalism and communism as different wings of the same bird. I do believe in social justice, which is fairness for all.
The role of the State is to promote the well-being and prosperity for all of its citizens. The evidence on the ground support my allegation that it has not been done.
The Caribbean Court of Justice is a necessary step toward severing the umbilical cord of colonialism. It is only a stepping stone and eventually it will become unnecessary. There is an allegation that it reeks with political interference, but so is the Royal Privy Council.
Every reality starts in the mind, and I argue that Jamaica’s leadership is still mentally dependent of their former colonial masters and the like. Jamaica should have never wait until she had to ask the International Monetary Fund for help to stabilise its economy. Jamaica has more than enough resources to prosper — it is just the management of those resources. Just like the developed world did not produce Usain Bolt and give him to Jamaica, neither will they ensure that Jamaica is prosperous.
Contradictory is the fact that Jamaica has one of the highest murder rates in the world and a high unemployment rate, especially among the youth. This is a manifestation of the national culture and mentality. Jamaica must believe and create the reality that every Jamaican deserves a descent standard of living — any other ideology is a colonial mentality.
Happy Independence, Jamaica, as I walk through Kingston and feel the national pride of its residents.
Brian Ellis Plummer