Jamaicans urged to wear pink
Organisers of the 2019 ICWI / Jamaica Reach to Recovery Pink Run are seeking the support of Jamaicans in the fight against breast cancer tomorrow, being observed as Pink Day, ahead of the pinnacle 5 k Walk/Run scheduled for Sunday, October 27 at Emancipation Park in New Kingston.
According to chair of Jamaica Reach to Recovery Carolind Graham, the Pink Day initiative engages the participation of the public to help bring awareness to the disease which is the leading cancer among Jamaican women.
“Pink identifies the wearer as a promoter of breast cancer awareness; and expresses moral support for women with breast cancer. We ask everyone, whether you’re corporate Jamaica or the man in the street, to wear pink in recognition of persons who have been affected by breast cancer,” she said.
Proceeds raised by Jamaica Reach to Recovery have assisted over 500 people affected by breast cancer in the last five years. The ICWI / Jamaica Reach to Recovery Pink Run has been a major fund-raising effort of the organisation and a milestone event in October, which is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, one of the initiatives of the Jamaica Cancer Society of which Jamaica Reach to Recovery is a supporting arm.
Samantha Samuda, vice-president of marketing, distribution and HR at title sponsor ICWI, is also calling for the support of other corporate entities and individuals.
“Pink Day is meant to be a fun way for individuals and corporate entities to show their support, and that they really care. We all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer in some way, so let’s stand together to really show our support. Here at ICWI our team members look forward to dressing in pink in order to show their support. We urge corporate Jamaica to continue to show their support and invite individuals in Jamaica and the diaspora to join the conversation on social media. Your participation just may lend moral support to persons diagnosed with the disease,” Samuda said.
Graham said that the impact that Jamaicans coming together to show support for the cause can be seen. “So I urge you to wear your pink and register for the Pink Run as we aim to use this October to save a life and also raise awareness,” she added.
This year, the “Tutus and Tall Socks, Colour Edition 2”-themed 5K walk/run is seeking to raise $7 million to help raise awareness and much-needed funds.
Registration is now open via www.runningeventsja.com/icwi-pink-run.html for individuals and teams. Entry per person is $1,500, $1,200 each for groups of 50 or more. The deadline for registration is Friday, October 18, 2019.
Jamaica Reach to Recovery provides emotional, psychological and financial support to breast cancer survivors. The organisation consists of volunteers, all of whom are breast cancer survivors, whose roles include providing information and counselling to breast cancer survivors and, by extension, their families and friends.