So it’s church as usual?
Dear Editor,
The recent announcement by Prime Minister Andrew Holness has brought much joy and appeasement to the Christian community, as the measures of restriction have been relaxed for near-normal services to be resumed. Therefore it’s quite apparent the Christian community is pretty close in returning to church life as usual.
However, I shudder to think that our excitement can be for mere church as usual. Absolutely not!
We are commanded to be light and salt which carry impact and solutions to the world. The truth of the matter is that we are citizens of a Government with its own set of protocols and rules of engagement. Therefore, what we carry as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God is a counter-culture, not a subculture, which is foundational in our constitution — the word of God.
Now more than ever in this country there has to be a forthright demonstration of the Kingdom of God, which Paul states in 1 Corinthians 4: 20, “For the Kingdom of God is not in words, but in power.”
There is no returning to normal as it relates to the assignment of the church which is the executive arm of the Kingdom of God, a supernatural entity not a religious organization.
The church has been given the keys of the kingdom so that whatever we bind on Earth is bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on Earth is loosed in heaven. Therefore, we are the custodians of God’s authority in the Earth; yes, in Jamaica, and by extension to the nations of the Earth.
Have we seen this dimension of kingdom authority impacting the nations of the Earth? So why do we want church as usual? Have we seen the manifestation of this distinctive precedence of greater works? Who did the scripture said has the keys of the kingdom?
In the face of it, the spirit of murder is most prevalent and disgraceful. The virus wreaked havoc all over the world.
The Kingdom of God is where the unseen spiritual world, governed by God, invades the physical world with tremendous capability of impact and influence, bringing deliverance from the dominion of darkness, restoration of order out of disorder, and light out of darkness. This realm of spiritual reality is loaded with unlimited resources of empowerment and solutions for deliverance and salvation for his people. Therefore, he commanded the disciples to pray, let his Kingdom come, let his will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is God’s world super-imposed in our world, his realm of influence, his atmosphere or system manifested as a spiritual reality.
In the words of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr: “We must recognise the fierce urgency of now! We cannot afford to take the tranquillising drug of gradualism or engage the luxury of cooling off.” The Kingdom of God suffers violence, but the violent take it by force!
We are commanded to look at the things that are not seen. Clearly we must be discerning of the times and season and not fall prey to the spirit of religion. So the onus is on us as citizens of the Kingdom of God to fortify our partnership with the Holy Spirit, where we do not abdicate our position of authority inherent in our spirit by submitting to church as normal or business as usual.
There is still higher heights and deeper depths for kingdom establishment. We must be fully cognisant of our original designated position of authority in the economy of God.
Fellow ambassadors, let us aspire to produce a citizenry of people in the Christian community who express the king’s culture and reflects his nature and glory in the Earth, where we embark on new realms of faith and elevated dimensions of kingdom-focused prayers.
Amidst all the dysfunctionality and cruelty in this broken and morally bankrupt world system, where the love of many wax cold, hate taking on disturbing temperature, false prophets overdose, the end is not yet! The single defining precursor of the end is emphatically stated in Matthew 24: 14, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.” Notice it did not say the gospel of prosperity or the gospel of going to heaven, it states the gospel of the kingdom. Fear not, little flocks, for it’s your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).
Be empowered, Kingdom Ambassadors, it’s not time for church as usual, but indeed church unusual. Kingdom exploits be your portion in the indomitable name of Jesus Christ our exalted and glorified Lord. Shalom!
Pastor Robert Whyte
Senior pastor
Bethel Embassy International Ministries