KCNK honours clergymen
At its meeting on August 23, the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston honoured two outstanding members of the clergy — Reverend Claudette Campbell, a Methodist deaconess and Reverend Captain Dwane Blackwood, an Anglican priest.
Master of ceremonies, KCNK Distinguished President Claudette Carter led the gathering through a mixture of songs, the spoken word, prayers and presentations, all related to service. The singing was superbly led by KCNK Director Designate Nikisha Walters on keyboard and a rhythmic chant was performed by Alecia Forbes.
The citation to Reverend Blackwood — the current chaplain for the JDF Eastern Command — highlighted his call to ministry at age 13, his service to the Anglican Diocese as a priest in various capacities, and his voluntary work as justice of the peace and member of several school boards.
Reverend Claudette Campbell was lauded for her service as Methodist minister to the Grateful Hill Circuit of four churches, House Mother at Deaconess House, as well as her community involvement with Operation Peace and summer camps for youth.
Citations and plaques were presented to both members of the clergy by KCNK President Aldrie Henry-Lee and readers of the citations, KCNK Director Designate Stephanie Abrahams and Distinguished President Valerie Crawford.
Reverend Blackwood replied on behalf of the awardees and Reverend Campbell gave the benediction. Chairman Lola Rattray gave the vote of thanks.