Maas Percy going strong at 101
ISLINGTON, St Mary — Percival Henry completed his career at Carron Hall High School in 2007 but those who saw him on the job have never forgotten the excellent work he did. Now 101, he too has fond memories of his time at the former Carron Hall Vocational school, a boarding facility for girls.
He started working there in 1978.
“I started in the bush chopping wood. Then they put me to clean the schoolyard and then I started to cut up meat and go to the market and to the post office,” the centenarian told the Jamaica Observer, a smile spreading across his face.
“The other man was lazy but I worked and the people were pleased,” he added with a tinge of pride.
Henry spent more than 29 years at the school and 10 years after he left, they awarded him with a citation that sang his praises.
“You were among the first to arrive at work in the mornings and the last to leave in the evenings. Tasks that you were asked to do outside of your job description were done without murmurings,” it read.
“You gave your all and this institution was made better because of your unswerving dedication,” the citation added.
Born in St Catherine on July 24, 1923, Maas Percy, as he is affectionately called, grew up in Carron Hall, St Mary, with his grandparents. Today he lives in Islington, St Mary, with his daughter Natasha who is his caretaker.
She had high praise for her father.
“He never let us hungry, always ensuring that our belly is full and our other needs are provided for,” she said of the man who now has six grandchildren.
One of two daughters from a 54-year marriage that also produced a son, Natasha described her father as someone who has always been kind, committed and hard-working.
She is thrilled to know that he is in good health except for a few minor complaints and hearing loss.
When asked the secret of her father’s long life, Natasha hugged him fondly and without hesitation said, “His unselfishness and kindness played a major role in his longevity.”
Like his daughter, Maas Percy is looking forward to his 102nd birthday next year.