Fertility boosting herbs for 49-y-o who wants a baby
I was wondering if you can tell me the best herbs to use for infertility. I am 49 and I want to have a baby. I have tried baba root, but not much has happened. I live in the States and want the best products without being ripped off.
Women have traditionally given birth to children in their 20s and 30s. However, it has now become popular for women in their 40s and 50s to have babies. It is important to note that age can make a big difference for natural conception, but thanks to advances in science and nutrition, women are now waiting until the time is right to have children.
Having a child in her 40s and 50s does have some disadvantages for a woman, and these must be considered before going ahead with the pregnancy. Although women in their 40s and 50s might be more settled, mature and financially secure, there is a great chance the pregnancy could be high risk with the possibility for complications for both mother and child.
Would this be your first child, or do you have other children? Have you and your partner gone to your fertility specialist to get a full check-up? It would be important to know that there are no underlying problems that are causing you not to become pregnant.
You have asked me about some herbs that can help to improve your fertility. Herbs act as a supplement to a healthy diet to help boost the body. It should be noted that some herbs help to detoxify the body, while others help to regulate the immune system and some help to stimulate the hormonal system, therefore controlling the hormones produced. There have also been some special herbs which have been studied for their use in aiding conception and bringing about pregnancy.
These herbs you should be able to get in your health food store, or in some cases, your pharmacy. These herbs include black cohosh, licorice, evening primrose oil, castor oil, maca, damiana, milk thistle, cinnamon, and dog blood bush.
Black cohosh helps the body to regulate the periods. Licorice root extract helps to detox the body, nourish the endocrine system and regulate the endocrine system, therefore, increasing endocrine health.
Evening primrose oil helps to balance the hormones and increases cervical mucus which aids in conception. Maca is a plant rich in minerals and phytonutrients which is also helpful for fertility.
Cinnamon has been found to be helpful in regulating periods that are irregular. And the dog blood plant is said to help to clear the Fallopian tubes due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
I would suggest that you make sure your diet is healthy, do your exercises, and with the help of a professional, decide on which of these herbs is best for you.
Good luck.
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