We are a pack of jokers!
Dear Editor,
Recently, my daughter asked me: “Why do we not expect the same standards from our politicians as we do from our athletes? Gold-medal, record-breaking, world’s best, and so on?”
So I went to my high-tech electronic crystal ball and asked the question. (Yes. The thing has voice recognition software.)
Now I don’t know if the ball had been affected by any recent power surge , but this was what I saw on the LED screen:
“We do not want our politicians to win medals at the Politicolympics, because they would have to be the brightest and the best people (the B and Bs) in Jamaica. If they were, they would have realised that that since some Jamaicans do not even pay their taxes, they certainly were not going to cough up $1 billion or $2 billion for traffic tickets.
“So we don’t really want the B and Bs, and we vote accordingly. After all, the B and B people might mash up the dollyhouse.” I thought that was all, then I saw:
“But wait – there’s more!”
Here it is: “Preaching on the bus: Give equal time to Rastafari, Muslims, Hindus, Confucians, atheists and agnostics. Put all of them in a hortical bus, lock the doors and leave them for two days. Last one preaching (or even just breathing), wins the Al Miller Preaching Award, and a pair of handcuffs from DSP Lewis.”
At that moment, the surge came again, and the ball melted.
David Buckley