Branded: Sean Garbutt
How did you land this job?
I was already working with AML (Associated Manufacturer’s Ltd) as the general manager for local distribution when the company partnered with a local investment consortium to take over the iconic Walkerswood brand and production facility in St Ann. This move saw the merging of three separate sauce and seasoning brands under one roof, essentially increasing the companies’ sales and production capabilities ten-fold, creating the need for the position of group marketing director. I was appointed by the company’s board of directors to focus on the individual visibility and awareness of our brand ranges — Busha Browne, Jamaica Joe & Walkerswood — in the local marketplace as well as developing expert marketing programmes for the 10 separate countries we now sell our products.
How long have you been in this job?
I have been employed to AML for eight years and have spent the last four in my current position. It continues to be an amazing journey, as the dynamics of the global industry and the nuances of each market we sell in and new markets we enter continue to change and force us to be competitive.
What’s great about your job?
The very best part of my job is having the opportunity to be an ambassador for Brand Jamaica and to share our flavours and cuisine with people from all over the world and from all walks of life, and to see satisfaction in their eyes, and to listen to the many wonderful stories that food memories can trigger. One of my all-time best stories is of a gentleman from New York who wrote us saying that when he rubs his chicken with our Walkerswood Hot and Spicy Jerk Seasoning and pulls a cold Red Stripe from the fridge he feels he is transported all the way back to Jamaica, just short of having the sand between his toes.
Tell us something we might not know about Associated Manufacturers Ltd.
AML has been involved in the manufacturing sector in Jamaica for over 48 years, beginning in 1965, making personal care and household cleaning products. However, the company has been constantly reinventing itself to remain competitive and adapt to the ever-changing marketplace. We entered into an agreement with the owners of Busha Browne to manufacture and market their brand of fine Jamaican seasonings, sauces and condiments. This first venture into agri-processing would ignite a passion to take fresh fruits, produce herbs and spices, and create offerings to share around the world. Today our products are sold in 10 countries as far away as Australia and New Zealand, and we export over 85 per cent of entire production.
Why are AML’s products attractive options for customers?
Firstly, we utilise only the freshest and best ingredients, grown for us by a team of over 1,000 small farmers across all parishes and all our products are created in small artisanal batches to ensure the highest quality. Secondly, we have three very separate and unique brand lines which come with their own unique flavours, personalities and processes, which allow us to reach that broad spectrum of consumers.
Where can consumers find out more about your brands?
We encourage our consumers to keep in touch with us via our various social media tools, such as our websites, Facebook pages and Twitter for both Busha Browne and Walkerswood. or or
Group Marketing Director of Busha Browne, Jamaica Joe & Walkerswood Sean Garbutt has six gift baskets stocked with Busha Browne, Jamaica Joe & Walkerswood products for six lucky Thursday Life readers.How long has Associated Manufacturers Ltd (AML) been … (See question on Page 3 of Thursday Food in today’s paper )
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The first 6 Thursday Life readers to send the correct answer by e-mail to marketingpromotion@jamaicaobserver by noon tomorrow, Friday, March 15, will each win a gift basket from Associated Manufactured Limited. You must include your name, occupation and telephone number.