Pepperpot: Hey man, why the no-show in Cayman?
The deposed kingmaker created serious consternation last week when he failed to show as guest speaker at the event in Cayman. Attendees and organisers were asking why there wasn’t even a phone call to explain his absence.
Showing his slip on the Hip Strip
The MoBay bigwig shocked everyone present on the Hip Strip weekend with his carrying-ons. Expletives, boisterous behaviour and downright ‘bhuttoism’ were the order of the day or night. Some suggested he was under the influence.
The Miami connection
Word is that several prominent persons here are fretting after the big bust in Miami in which 50 persons, most said to be of Jamaican descent, were caught by a coalition of US agencies carefully watching them since 2006. Some of the drugs, guns and laundered money had already reached here, according to the reports.
Rest well, ‘Foggy’ Mullings
Mr Seymour ‘Foggy’ Mullings passed this week and we would like to pay tribute to a man who was a true gentleman and a public servant of great merit. Politicians like ‘Foggy’ are hard to find. He managed to stay above the fray, even in the dreadful ’70s when Jamaica was in virtual civil war. May his soul rest in peace.
Mr Patterson is right!
All Jamaica must join Mr P J Patterson in condemning the Constitutional Court ruling in the Dominican Republic that would strip citizenship from thousands of children of Haitian migrants, going back to 1929. What a backward step! Pepperpot is surprised that our Government has not yet reacted to this utter foolishness. Isn’t it true that the Dom Rep enjoys observer or associate status in Caricom, of which Haiti is a member? Caricom must speak up now!
Question of the week
Can Jermaine ‘Tuffy’ Anderson deliver Jamaica from the jaws of the United States and keep the Reggae Boyz’s campaign alive?