More than just buses
Dear Editor,
I totally agree with your Observer editorial of Monday, October 14, 2013. However, I noticed that you left out one other aspect for children travelling long distances to school. You mentioned that “the technocrats… should consciously resist the temptation to scorn… [which] contributes to children with low grades being bussed far away from home”. The other aspect forgotten is that parents want their children to attend “good” high schools, and will make the extra effort to find the money to send the child to a faraway school that is considered good.
I was one of these children in my day. In truth, I didn’t mind being caught up in the “traditional high school” hype. On the other hand, it was not a pleasant experience all around, especially concerning taking buses to and from school. On more than one occasion I temporarily lost feeling in my legs, due to the overcrowded buses in which we were sometimes forced to travel.
I know that my case is probably not very common, especially as it is being reported in recent days. But I think this side of the coin should be also looked at.
D Bullock