Social security in Jamaica
Dear Editor,
The Social Security and Welfare system in Jamaica needs urgent reform to make it more just and humane. The population of Jamaica is approximately 2.8 million people. Approximately 1.2 million are living below the poverty line of $2.50 per day. This figure includes many pensioners. It is grossly unfair for a person to retire at age sixty, but is not entitled to NIS pension until age 65 or 70.
I wish to propose that the retirement age and pensionable age should be the same. Persons should receive their pension immediately upon retirement. No pensioner should receive a pension that is less than the National Minimum Wage. I also wish to propose that a welfare dole should be paid to all citizens who are not entitled to a pension. This dole should be half of the minimum wage and should be paid fortnightly.
I also wish to propose that squatters on crown land should be given titles free of cost so that they can pay taxes. Crown lands should be distributed to low income earners, free of cost, with titles so that they can pay taxes.
The level of poverty in Jamaica is much too high. If reparations were paid to the ex-slaves after emancipation poverty in Jamaica would not be so high. There is a strong case for reparation because the plantation owners were compensated for the loss of their slave after Emancipation. However the emancipated Africans were never compensated.
Carryl Harris